Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pepper update

Embarrassed to admit I've been waiting by the phone like a mother hen, wanting to know if Pepper is okay in her new home, and imagining the worst possible scenarios in the absence of sensible news! Relieved to report that I've just "heard" from Pepper's new family (email)!  She slept in the deep sink in the towel I'd sent, but by the end of the first night, was venturing onto the bed. Twyla comments that she's: "very talkative and loves to give her opinion she is always by your side in the house".  Sounds familiar! Pepper got outside by mistake: "We were quite worried and we tried to coax her down and Wayne spent some time waiting for her outside. But she wouldn't budge. This morning she was happily waiting outside to come in and get some food."  I forgot to mention that Pepper is a climber; knows her emergency escape drills.  Anyway their son is also an Eric, and although he wants to share, she's not interested in crackers.  

Ah, I feel as if a balm of calm has settled on my shoulders.  Thank you for the email, Twyla.  
As for the school boxes?  paring down to the essential stuff today.  From 20 boxes down to 12.  Much better!  I'll pack one or two for Lebanon.  Shipping costs are very high. Hoping to eliminate paper by scanning and saving to my laptop.

My high school friend, Karen, just emailed with some uplifting news.  Her husband used to travel: "to Beruit many times and loved it, said it was one of his favorite places in the world. Very cosmopolitan city..  Isn't that great news?  I've been wondering if this adventure will prove itself worth the emotional cost.  But you know what I think? I think it will be worth the emotional cost and a whole lot more.  Stick around for the coming year and we'll find out!

I've got the whole month of July for packing.  Heading to family reunion in California on August 2nd, then back to Seattle on the 12th for a quick overnight / departure for Beirut on Monday, August 13th.  

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