Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stockpiling the good stuff

As my last day on the island comes closer, I find that my senses are much more acute. I want to take it all in, as if this is all there is, one day at a time. I find myself more overwhelmed by the enormity of leaving.  Not just the island, but the family, friends, and people I love. Maybe these stockpiled feelings and memories will carry me along in Beirut, when the tough times come calling?   

I've read a lot about culture shock.  The symptoms are feelings of isolation, of being out of synch with people and surroundings.  Homesickness.
Well, I know this will happen.  It did when I was living in France for a year during college.  How will I ride it out?  I'm feeling proactive this time, and have a plan.  To begin with, my plan is to help myself out as much as possible.
1.   Take care of myself first.  This means sleeping when I am tired, shopping for good foods even if it means paying more, and buying a few things to make my flat and me feel more at home and happy.
2.  Give myself time and space to adjust.  I want to be patient with myself, flexible in the face of the "surprises" promised by my principal, and keep my sense of humor at hand.
3.  Meet and make friends right away; no time to waste there. Internet and Skype will be essential; email and blogging.
4.  Take walks and be ready to take advantage of opportunities that come along.  I understand that nearby at AUB (American University of Beirut) there is a community choral group I might sing with. They also have a nice pool...  The good news is I'll be within walking distance of the school and University.  I think that will suit me well.
5.  Travel.  I'm giving myself permission to spend money.  I must see Greece, Turkey, swim in the Seas, visit Italy, and Cyprus.  I must see all I can of Lebanon, travel to Jordon, and wherever the road may lead.  This is my chance to see a new corner of the world, and I must take it!

As school begins, it will be very busy.  Must allow time to adjust before I commit to much else. Step 5 will have its day!

In the meantime, Keep stockpiling the good stuff!

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