Saturday, June 30, 2012

What does your family think?

What does your dad think about this move?  your kids?
My dad has been my biggest supporter.  From the first day we talked until now, he has cheered me on, "Go for it!" adding "Carolyn, you have a lot of courage! I'm proud of you." My children's responses were more varied.  Kate said she thought it was exciting, then asked me if she could have the grape vine print on my wall.  Yes Kate!  James said he was proud of me, "Way to go Mom!".  Erik wondered who he'd stay with when he wants to visit the island. We've talked with his friends and their families. ALL have been warm and welcoming.  He wondered if he could use the flat screen TV in his college rental next year. Sure!  Their dad lives close by, on the mainland, where Erik is living now for his summer painting job. I pray they will all do fine.  They are all busy with their lives, as they should be.  My dream is to get them over to Beirut, one by one, so we can build some new memories together.  Everyone seems up for this.

Sometimes Moving means letting go of a loved one.

Sweet Peppr
I let go of Pepper, my kitty companion, Monday night.  She is with her new family.  I keep looking for her in the doorways, or curled up at the end of my bed.  Yes, I miss her so much!  I comfort myself knowing that she is with caring, kind people who really want her.  It turns out that James knows Pepper's new mom, Twyla, from high school. "Good choice" he emailed.  Also, my friend Karen knows the family, and was equally reassuring. So, I made the decision to let her go now, before I leave, so I can hear how she's doing.  Thank goodness Erik and Trevor, his friend, were here to help.  Pepper knew something was up; hid under the queen bed, out of arm's reach.  Boys had to move the bed and catch her.  Oh dear!  Not the smooth transition I was hoping for...

Most often Moving is about letting go of stuff.  

Clearing out my classroom was next. With Marty, Pat, Betsy, Eric and Erik's help, I gave away, recycled, and tossed out shopping carts full of paper, books, posters, and equipment; 30 years worth of stuff that filled three 4-high file boxes, 10 drawers, 7 cupboards, 20+ shelves, and 1 teacher's desk.  Where did all that stuff come from? What's left is sitting next to me in 20 cartons.... more paring down to go!


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