Monday, August 13, 2012

Taking the Leap!

SeaTac,  August 13, 2012
Let the Adventure begin!
Today's IT!  Kate is taking me to the airport within the hour.  I'm packed.  Stuffed every available space in two HUGE suitcases, plus backpack and laptop bag.  I've weighed and repacked bags more than once...  and even still, planning to pay excess baggage charges.  I couldn't leave out that pound of Whidbey coffee, Or my solar dancing flower!  Taking a year's worth of clothes; coats to flip flops.

Put final notes on some interview questions from Micheala Wheatley.  She asked if she could write an article about this pending adventure for the Whidbey Record.  When I think of the dear old South Whidbey Record, I have to smile.  Good luck Micheala!

I'm thinking of you all, and will be back on line as soon as it's possible. 

That night monster has been trying to fill me with fear these past several nights.  You know them: those pre-school nightmares?  Well, same thing, only pre-Beirut.  At this point, the only solution is to get there and see what's really going on.  Can't wait to share with you!  Will it be ugly?  Beautiful?  Crowded?  Noisy? Smelly?  Friendly?  Dangerous?  Inviting?  Easier or Harder than I've imagined?  
Last night Mark found a website "all about Lebanon" which was very disturbing to me as I've been feeling fragile these last days.  The pictures were bleak, violent, and ugly.  "Can you come back sooner?" he asked, a concerned look on his face.
"I can come back, but only if it's unhealthy, or there's a personality conflict that runs too deep to live with... I'm not expecting it to be easy," I replied.  My desire is to get through this first challenging year, and pave the way for my second year.  I CAN DO THIS:  "Inshallah"  (= "God Willing", Arabic)

Thank God for YOU.  I can do anything with friends like you. 

I'm ready.  Let the Adventure begin!

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