Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why Overseas? Why now?

I have friends who have taught overseas: Marguerite (taught in Kuwait and Curacao) and Nadean (currently teaching in Nangjing China).  Overseas teaching was far from my mind with a family to care for, and students to teach.  I view raising my 3 children as my greatest life's work! All of that was enough for me, until one day, my 28-year marriage fell apart.  Life as I'd lived it was over.  A year later, my youngest was off to college, and the family house of 21 years was sold.  Dead woman walking was me.  

Unexpectedly, an old daydream of mine busted out of its box a year ago June!  I was in the staff room at school, introducing myself to the ESL teacher, Judy, when all of sudden I heard myself sharing "my secret" desire to work overseas. Judy admitted this to be a desire of hers, so we met at Neil's several times last summer to share our research and encourage one another. Then along came the personal issues.  Judy was married and decided this wasn't the right time to go on an overseas adventure.  For me there was my son, Erik, who came home for the summers.  I needed to be here for him.  Add to that my 83 year old dad, my cat, my friends, and  my sister who needed to stay with me after her surgery. It didn't look very realistic for me either.  I kept my thoughts to myself until one day in October when I got a call from Erik at college.  He told me he would be living with his dad in Edmonds this coming summer to work a full time job.  Really? The door began to open! I talked with my dad about the idea of working overseas and he encouraged me to move on it.  Liz, my sister, was staying with me while recovering from ankle and hip surgeries. "Go for it!" she insisted.  My adult children and friends somehow manage to put up with me.  I'm so grateful!!!
Now, it's about moving forward.  A year's leave has been granted.  And how do I feel about Beirut?  Fear! Excitement! Even sadness and overwhelmed. But this is what I've determined to do. Pushing doubt aside, it's "Lebanon or Bust!"

1 comment:

  1. Go for it Carolyn. I guarantee that this will change your life! Who knows what adventure awaits. I am proud of you and enjoying reading your blog.
