Friday, November 15, 2013


Lebanese "Kick your butt" Coffee: photo by Kate
It was with sadness, mixed with anticipation, that I submitted my resignation to ACS yesterday.  It is hard to imagine leaving these deep friendships, from sea to singing, and a country that has captured my heart.  I am living my life fully here, and for this reason I hope to leave without regrets.

I will complete my contract in June, which is months from now; months to spend with friends, children, singing, and swimming, along with shopping and travel.

Meanwhile, I am updating my job search file, all with an eye on new horizons; Africa! India! Asia!  All draw me forward. Looking for new stories to tell. There is so much world to see, so many children to teach. For these reasons, life is good.

Along with big change comes big emptiness.  I have never felt as homesick as I'm feeling right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Carolyn! I'm trying to talk Carol into going over to see you - maybe all she needs is a little encouragement?? We miss you here a LOT, as do many of your friends.. Love from us all, DK
