Saturday, January 12, 2013

Egypt III

More photos of Egypt: Enjoy!
Carolyn, Sphinx, and Charlene in Giza
I learned that the sphinx is actually a male head whose "beard" broke off.  It is the guardian of the pyramids, with the head of the king, and the body and strength of the lion. 
Dwarfed in Karnac
These columns were covered with carved and painted hieroglyphics, gods and goddesses, top to bottom.  The lintels above, those still to be seen, were painted with beautiful scenes and colors.  The columns were first built of stacked flat rocks that were later "shaved" into smooth sided columns.  After that, the decorating began.
Egyptian Dog at Karnac Temple
While Beirut has its population of feral cats, friendly to not so friendly,  Cairo was awake with dog barking at night.  When I saw this dog sleeping in Karnac Temple of Luxor, I thought you'd like to see what an Egyptian dog looks like. They were wandering about.  We even saw 3 round puppies playing in their hiding place at the granite quarry of Aswan. 
Exterior wall detail Hatshepsut's Temple
The colors and relief details on this outside wall were gorgeous.  There are some places where photography is forbidden; in the Museum, and in the Valley of the Kings.  In most places it is okay.
along the Nile
along the Nile

Horus the Falcon at Edfu Temple
souvenir stand next to the Granite Quarry in Aswan

Egyptian Temple Philea and 16 other temples were saved from the rising waters behind the  Aswan dam.  The temples were taken apart piece by piece and reassembled above the water line.
The international community stepped in to help.

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