Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thank you, Mr. Mandela.

Thank you for being our teacher, Mr. Mandela.

"do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times i fell down and got back up again" Nelson Mandela

I want to mark the passing of a most remarkable and inspirational leader of our time, Nelson Mandela.  1918 - 2013

I heard a story about Mr. Mandela that I'll pass along.  If you have heard it, or know more, please send me an email:

Nelson Mandela was in a hotel room, one in the group of men meeting that day.  An employee of the hotel entered the room to refill the water glasses. Mandela stood up in the middle of the discussion, which brought a stop to the meeting.  In response to the puzzled looks around the table, he explained, "I was taught to stand up when a woman enters the room." 

Holiday Sing!

American University of Beirut (AUB) Choir just completed two concerts following a week of nightly rehearsals; a singer's nirvana. Riikka inspired us to memorize the music, and did we ever!  Here are You Tube samplings of the music, sung by others:  Enjoy!

Imagine the setting:  inside Assembly hall; converted from a stone church... no sheet music... voices raised in joy... magnificence of it all...

What Sweeter Music (John Rutter)

In the Bleak Midwinter:

Lully Lulla Lullay:

Choir People have fun too!
at Reception after our final concert, home of U President:
Friends: Ingrid (swim buddy), Lolita,
Deborah, Fun and Finnish Director Riikka, Nik,
me, Martin

At home of AUB President Peter Doorman (far right) and his wife from Vashon Is, Kathy:
Reception honoring Riikka and choir

I-phones, glasses and voices raised to Riikka and Doormans